Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Transfer 11 - Week 4

This week was good! We found our first progressing investigator in a long time! Take that opposition! And yes the homosexual guy and the progressing investigator are one and the same. He, however, is really good! We taught him the first lesson a few days ago and he had many questions about the Book of Mormon, what's in it, what's the doctrine, why different than the Bible, etc. At one point we had answered many questions and realized that we hadn't even shared an actual scripture from the book itself so I shared one of my favorites, Alma 18:32, and told him that this scripture, through one of the book's prophets, Ammon, helps us understand God's relationship with us and answers some of man's fundamental questions. He seemed to catch on to that well and told us he would start reading the book! We're set up to meet with him tomorrow night and I'm excited! It's been so long since I've had a real progressing and interested investigator! Another cool thing is that a member called us the other day and said his Less active uncle wants to treat us to dinner out of the blue! It seems things are starting to slowly pick up here in Daxi. 

My old companion/first-born son, Elder Morgan. This was in Taipei at a super nice buffet after the temple. (I still like buffets. Yep.) 

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