Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Transfer 12 - Week 3

Hello everyone! This past week has gone by pretty well! First, our sink broke, but that isn't really anything new for me anymore so we got that fixed and now all that's left is a strange smell by the sink and that we're still waiting for to dissipate. Second, we don't teach English Class anymore! I guess they decided that we are too far away from the nearest chapel for it to be an effectice use of time and we also have a good amount of missionaries in Taoyuan so there are plenty of missionaries able to teach. Third, we found a cool new investigator! 

His name is Brother Chen and we contacted him the other day on the street. (I still marvel that somehow missionaries can just talk to random people on the street and can teach them and bring them to church. Miracle in itself.) We taught him a basic first and it seemed to really click with him, enough that he set up with us this week anyway! We want to go over the Book of Mormon this next time and really are hoping that something can click again with him and he can start to read and understand its content and importance. Today for P-Day we traveled down to Longtan (translation: Dragon Pool. 

Coolest city name ever.) to see some Dragon Boat Festival stuff going on. We watched a few dragon boat races in the lake in the middle of the city (hence the name of the place) and then ate some little treats and ice cream at stands scattered throughout on the paths by the lake. It was pretty fun! This week should be pretty good though! We'll be meeting with Brother Chen and the awesome G-ma we met the other week too! Those are the notables of the week! Love you all! Happy Dragon Boat Festival! 

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