Monday, November 17, 2014

Transfer 16 - Week 2

I'll start with the bad news first. The Brother Zhu, who I mentioned last week with the baptismal date you remember? He's long gone. His phone number is non-existent as of a few days ago.

But, Wang Jian Xing's wife is coming back this Wednesday so we'll be able to meet with her!! We were talking to Wang Jian Xing about it at church and many of the members were excited about it too and we're saying, "Oh, I'll help you teach her, just give me a call!". We're pretty excited to teach her, needless to say. The weather was not ideal this week, coming down in sheets of rain, but it was nice to almost feel cold. We met with many less actives this week, them springing up out of nowhere and wanting to come back to church. Two of them came to church this week! More should be coming back next week, as we continue to work with the members in fellowshipping them. 

Looking forward to another good week! 

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