Monday, November 17, 2014

Transfer 15 - Week 6

Alright so this is going to be quick because today has been a bit rushed due to travel to the temple but this last week and beginning of this week were good! We're still working with those less actives and they are still doing really well. 

Brother Chen shared the full story about his experience about coming back to church. He was diagnosed with cancer and after fighting it for years and being hospitalized, he was feeling a bit reflective about life in general. Right as he walked out his front door to go for a walk, us missionaries biked by and he knew he had to come back to church. This happened about a month ago. We have been struggling with investigators but we have been able to find one good one. Her name is Chen Xin Hua and she's a super funny lady with a lot of faith in God. The only thing is she has faith in all gods. So this week we hope to be able to focus her faith in gods to faith in Heavenly Father. Again, this email is going to be short but we're excited for this coming week and I'll make sure to get a better email off next week! 

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