Monday, November 17, 2014

Transfer 15 - Week 4

It was a great week! It rained pretty much the whole week, apparently there was a small typhoon so that was enjoyable. "And the rains came down, and the floods descended..." 

I also have a new companion! His name is Elder Kennedy and he's from Riverton, Utah. Just up the way from us Provo dwellers. He will probably be my last companion. He also just got out of training so it'll be fun to "break" him. Conference was great! I particularly liked Christofferson, Callister and Klebingat's talks. The message I got from them is that I can't have any excuses, I must do my best and be diligent and to trust in the gospel and the Lord. This week was a little difficult with the new companion and the rain but we definitely saw some miracles. 

We're working with our RC's, Wang Jian Xing's, wife and she is great! She came to church yesterday for conference and she loved it! When we taught her a few days before about prophets and that we would have the opportunity to hear him on Sunday she said, " Oh, it's probably very important to this guy!" Also as part of the general conference Sunday, the ward had a little lunch in between sessions so it was a perfect opportunity for her to get to know some of the members and mingle with them. We hope she will get baptized in the middle of next month! On Saturday night we knocked into a middle age lady and invited her to church. Sunday morning came along and she was there! We're going to see her tonight so that was a cool little miracle. I'll let you know the outcome next week. Besides Sister Wang, our other investigators are kind of wallowing about so we'll try and set them straight but our real hopes are more towards new investigators. On Sunday night, with about 20 minutes left on the night, we were contacting in the rain and started talking to a graduate student. We taught him about God and prayer and he set up a time to meet with us this week! I also feel my companion and I are starting to get a little more comfortable with each other, not to say we weren't before, but now we're starting to get some good unity! Exciting stuff. Looking forward to another great week! 

Love you all! 

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