Monday, November 17, 2014

Transfer 15 - Week 2

It was a good week! We went on a big outdoor conference Friday together with the East and West Zones. We hiked partway up a mountain and along the way read scriptures, talked about missionary stuff, sang hymns, etc. It was very nice. I also got the chance to bear my testimony to all the missionaries there because I'm going home soon so that was strange. 

We're currently working with 2 good investigators. The first is Brother Guan. He's getting a new job right now so he's been very busy finishing up his last job as well as organizing his new job. We've been able to meet with him only once but he's been reading the Book of Mormon everyday and we keep in touch daily by phone. We should be able to meet with him this week and we're really hoping we'll be able to take advantage of the opportunity by inviting the Spirit so he can feel the difference. The second investigator is Sister Gao. She is a very eccentric, funny lady. She questions all things questionable and it's fun to answer questions and then watch her go, "Ohhhh... That makes sense!" We had a member help us teach her and they got along really well so our member has started to text her scriptures, invite her to church, etc and it's really good. We feel we'll see a lot of progress with them this week and they'll become progressing investigators. 

The weather has started to cool down and it's super nice to be able to contact people without sweat dripping down all over my face like some sort of monster that just emerged from a swamp. I think people are more willing to talk to us at least. Yep so we're having a good time and really just trying to find those prepared people. I must apologize this email is terribly organized but things are going well. 

Love you all! 

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