Monday, November 17, 2014

Transfer 16 - Week 1

It was a good week! Just yesterday we found a new investigator and met with him, teaching him the Restoration and inviting him to baptism. The awesome thing is that he accepted our invite and said he is willing to start praying and reading the Book of Mormon to prepare for baptism! We gave him the date of November 29, the last Saturday of November and what will also be the last Saturday of my mission. I really really hope that we can help him progress and that he will be able to make his date. It would be a miracle! His name is Zhu Dixiong and he said he ran into missionaries about a year ago and they talked to him a little bit but because he was busy with work he wasn't able to meet with him. Now, he has more free time and we perfectly happened to call him a few days ago from an old sheet of phone numbers. We met with him yesterday after church and he's awesome! 
We're also still working with a good amount of less actives too. One of them, Wang Wei Han came to church yesterday! The main thing with these less actives is not so much teaching them about the Gospel, because they all understand it pretty well, it's more trying to find them friends in the ward and integrate them into the ward smoothly. It's a working progress.
Last night we went to Taipei for the monthly new member fireside and I ran into some old investigators from my second area, Xinzhuang, whom I didn't remember. Worth mentioning is their names: Sam and Gimley. They remembered me so they came up to me and started chatting but I couldn't remember who they were. After we talked a minute I started to remember, after all, who could forget those names? Turns out a few months ago they got baptized! I also ran into some other old members from the same ward and it was great to talk to them. It's definitely a humbling blessing to be able to look back and know that you left a good impression. Love you all! 

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