Sunday, April 27, 2014

Transfer 11 - Week 3

Hey everyone sorry I forgot to say last week that I would be having Temple Day! So this morning we went to Taipei to go to the temple and had to wake up at 5:30AM 
to get there on time... Daxi is a little farther away. This last week was really good! We were contacting the other night in some back streets and ran into a really cool college kid! We started talking to him about the Bible and the Book of Mormon and our doctrine because he's actually Presbyterian and was curious as to what our church does differently, etc. We got talking more and he asked what our churches stance was on homosexuality somewhat out of the blue and that got me a little suspicious of his... sexual tendencies. A little further on in the conversation we were chatting about music and he told us how much he loves Mariah Carey. That pretty much confirmed it for me that he's gay but he's a really cool guy and he's definitely going to "stick". We also ran into some random white guys (very rare in Daxi) and they were genuinely interested in what we were doing so we started talking to them through their car window about our church and they were flabbergasted, particularly towards the don't drink coffee, tea and not have sexual relationships before marriage parts but they said we were pretty cool as well as crazy for following it and coming out to Taiwan to be a missionary. We happened to have an English Book of Mormon on us to we gave it to them and they were actually excitedly joking around that they would read a few chapters as a bedtime story. They actually live in Taoyuan but it was pretty cool to finally teach someone in English! I don't have much time to email because our English class literally starts in thirty minutes! 

Love you all! Happy Easter! 

One of my old investigators, Dess! She finally went back to the Philippines after 3 years of working in Taiwan! She's going back and getting baptized! 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Transfer 11 - Week 2

This week we were able to watch General Conference and it was great! For Saturday's conference, we spent the whole day in Taoyuan at the stake center watching it so the bus ride back we had about an hour or so. I talked to the guy I was sitting next to and after getting to know him a bit, turns out he's Christian! I chatted with him about church and slowly got to the Book of Mormon. By that time, an hour had already passed and I didn't even realize so right when I had given him the Book of Mormon we had arrived at our stop. I told him it could change his life and sped walk off the bus so the bus driver didn't keep going! I got his number and information and he actually asked for my Facebook so it was definitely a miracle! He says he lives up in the mountains of Daxi so he's our first investigator that lives there! 

Daxi has 4 parts. The main, small city (a few streets), a whole bunch of farmland with small houses here and there (a very big area) which surrounds the city, mountains on one side of the city that is very hard to bike up and is pretty far from the city (where he lives) and then another area super far away called Fuxing, which by bike, is practically inaccessible, requiring 2-3 hours of biking from what people have said. So we're pretty excited about this guy, Wu Bo En, or his English name is Samuel. Never been up in the mountains before so hopefully it will lead us to not only him but maybe a whole bunch of new people! 
Woke up this morning and Elder Gao's kidney stones were acting up again so hopefully it's just a temporary thing... Looking forward to the week! 

Love you all! 

First picture a little blurry but I'm sending it because it captured my shoes. Look at those beautiful bad boys! 

Elder Gao and I after Conference! 

Transfer 11 - Week 1

Well this week was definitely one to remember. Last Monday I mentioned that Elder Gao had gotten a kidney stone and we had gone to the hospital to get it taken care of. Little did we know that it would take him about a week to get over the pains, poor guy, he was in a good amount of pain those first few days. So, this last week we were inside our little apartment pretty much the whole time! We went outside a couple times to buy food but even that we barely managed because walking for him was pretty painful. 

By Saturday however, he was pretty much better, though still having a little pain, so we just rode our bikes very slowly, for fear of bringing on any pain, and knocked some people's houses. Monday through Friday was definitely one of the longest periods of time I've had on my mission. My time first consisted of calling random people to try and get some set ups but after I had called everyone, it then turned into organizing, after that was done, it turned into scripture and Chinese study and then it turned into switching off studying and playing guitar. Then a couple days went by and we were still inside... Definitely a refiner's fire of some kind. Elder Gao is doing better now and I'm very excited for this week ahead, because we'll be able to go outside! 

Ya! I hope you all have a great week! 

I bought steak on Saturday night so I could cook it for Fast Sunday dinner. Delicious! 

Transfer 10 - Week 6

This week was a good one! Just a few days ago we were going out to visit some LA's outside of the city, maybe a 45 minute bike ride, and it was so hot! It's starting to heat up here! Anyway we were biking visiting some and when we got to maybe the 3rd or 4th house we knocked and no one was home but as we were leaving a lady was just coming home and asked what we were looking for. We told her the name of the less active we were coming to visit and she said that it was her sister, whom is now living in Spain. She seemed really nice though so we started talking to her on the front porch of the house and she was interested and said we could come back on the weekend again to visit! Whoo! She better have invited us to come back after biking that long in our own sweat to get there! Haha no but she was really nice and it was great to be able to teach her! 
I forgot to mention I'm still in Daxi and didn't move! Also, Chen Hui Jin didn't get baptized because she herself is still not very sure and is a bit hesitant so we're going to continue to work with her and try to help her build relations with the ward.

This morning we went to the hospital in Taouyuan because my companion was having some waist/hip pains and could hardly move. We got there and the doctor said it was a kidney stone! Probably resulted from the salty noodles that he made for us the other night for dinner and the lack of water in this hot weather. He himself ate a whole bunch of noodles because he didn't want to waste it but luckily I didn't eat much of it (don't worry, he wasn't offended) and just stuck with a good ol' PB&J sandwich. Poor Elder Gao! This morning he was hobbling around like an old grandpa and it was actually kind of funny but when we realized it was serious we went to the hospital and it should all be fine now. 

Overall, it was a good week! Love you all! 

A candid picture of yours truly during District Meeting. 

Our 6th week English Party! The theme was carnival, so we of course had face paint. 

Transfer 10 - Week 5

We had a pretty good week! We went to go visit a Less Active that the Bishop said we could go check out and they were home and let us in! He actually mentioned this family to us at church on Sunday and said, "You could go visit Lin Wen Qi. We haven't seen him in about 10 years and we're not sure where he is... He's a nice guy though!" Most of the less actives nobody really knows, guess that's what happens when you're in a new area on top of a little mountain! So after church we biked to the guy's house (the church records didn't have any phone number) and knocked on his door. His wife came to the door and let us in so we started chatting with them and found out that they got baptized 15 years ago, stayed active for a couple years, but when he was asked to become an Elder, he was told that he needs to be keeping all of the commandments which he said he was. When asked about the Word of Wisdom he said,"Ya I keep it. I just use my own wisdom to stay healthy. That's what it is right?" 

After being told that you have to completely stay away from a few things, namely, coffee and tea, he said "Well I guess I can't be an Elder." After telling us this story he said a few months after that he became less active and has been ever since. They were, however, very receptive to our message and we invited them to read the Book of Mormon and start praying together everyday, to which they said they could do. The first less actives we've found in Daxi that are willing to meet! They're super nice people though and they actually told us about one of their other less active friends who lives in Daxi as well, whom we'll be going to see tonight. Things seem to be picking up! Chen Hui Jin did not get baptized last Saturday due to a small scooter accident she was involved in. She cup up her foot and needs to wait about a week for it to heal. She's scheduled this Saturday to be baptized and it should be a good one! The only thing is that I might move! This week is transfers and everybody thinks I'll be moving for some reason. 

At church, when the members found out it was transfers, they all started to think I would be moving and started to take pictures with me and write me thank you notes. It was really nice! But if I don't move it'll be kind of awkward haha. Guess we'll see! We find out this Wednesday if one of us is moving or not and if one of us is, we'll move Friday, before the baptism. But hey it still should be good! It was a good week and this one should be an exciting one!

Here's me knocking on a "Buddhist door". 

Transfer 10 - Week 4

Here I am on my way to church in the morning. 20 minutes up a hill, in the rain, with my suit in a plastic box tied to my bike. Doesn't get much better than this! As for the hole in my pants in my right leg, be weary of dogs. There's a few that live on the path we take up the hill. 

This week we were working with our single investigator, Chen Hui Jin, and she passed her baptismal interview! Ya! She's scheduled for this Saturday and we're pretty excited! The only scary thing is that after she gets baptized, we literally have zero investigators... This past week we were actually able to teach a good amount of people on the streets and set up second appointments with them but when the time came they always never showed up, and/or had given us wrong numbers. Definitely very thankful for Chen Hui Jin though. I think I've mentioned her before, her previous concerns were with coffee and tea but now it's been over a month and a half since she's had any! She's really made progress so it's been great to be able to teach her and help her. Love you all! 

I don't know what face I'm making but this park by our house is lovely. We thought the potential investigator would like it too but he never came... 

Me and my beloved shoes. Here I'm changing the laces. Worn them everyday! 

Transfer 10- Week 3

Well this week it rained a lot! (I'll send some pictures) However, one day we had a few miracles! We went to a park to contact and came across a middle-aged man sitting on a bench, overlooking a valley filled with farms and fields. I sat next to him and started chatting with him. Elder Gao, not being able to join in on the conversation due to physical awkwardness, looked behind him to find two high school age students and started talking to them. 

I talked to the man about Christ and how he strengthens and guides us, teaching a little lesson that he seemed to be open to. After talking with him, I joined my companion a few strides off and he had just finished with them as well, teaching them about prayer and the power of it. All three people set up to meet with us again! We're set up with all three of them this week and we're pretty excited because they all seem pretty good! Things seem to be looking up though this week we're still pretty much contacting all day, it's been a while since I've taught a sit down lesson it seems like haha, most of them being on the street, in obscure back alleyways or in the doorway of someone's house. 

Recently, I've developed a little bit of a crazy fire for studying Chinese and it's been really good! Try and keep it going as long as possible haha. Love you all! 

Studies! English scriptures, Chinese dictionary, Scripture markers, Chinese Bible, Translator and cup of mint tea! (Don't worry, the tea is pure peppermint!) 

Having lunch with one of my Dad's old friends! 

First attempt...

It was raining pretty hard haha... My normal rain jacket was soaked from before so I didn't have it on but someone we knocked into gave me this little poncho thing.