Sunday, July 20, 2014

Transfer 13 - Week 1

So this was my new companion and I's first week together and it was good! 

I was actually a little sick, and was blowing my nose like I've never blown before, I was actually a bit impressed by the amount of tissues I went through. I'm doing better now though! My throat is officially well and yes, singing in the shower has been sorely missed. A few days ago we were contacting down a sidewalk and this guy came up and contacted us! He asked if we were missionaries and told us that he had been a missionary before for another Christian church so we talked to him and he really wants to come to church and talk to us about our church! It was super cool! We'll be meeting with him this week and we're pretty excited about him. 

Lately, we have found many investigators, but yet no one seems to stick. We have been working with grandmas as well but they also have become "busy", meaning their interest is waning. We do, however, have high hopes for this missionary man. His name is Wang Jun Kai. We also found another investigator named Wen Wen Hong and we'll actually be seeing him tonight at the one and only KFC! Who wouldn't accept the Gospel over fried chicken? I've also recently been studying Chinese pretty hardcore lately, for the sake of being hardcore, and can definitely feel the effects of a good study session. 

The same thing goes for my personal study. I've been studying humility lately, always need to review, and came across some great scriptures that have changed my heart. I will just list a few, the first is Proverbs 27:2. It says in essence, do not seek to your boast over yourself but be humble and other people will boast of you. That was a terrible paraphrasing so I would suggest looking it up for yourself but it's well said. My favorite right now is Luke 14:10. It says to sit in the lowest seat and then they will find that you are worthy to sit in the higher seat and the glory will be yours. I feel that none of us can judge ourselves, we are all beggars before God and Christ. Mosiah 4:19. I cannot say smoothly so just look up the scriptures and know that they have affected me quite powerfully. Especially the one in Luke. 

I hope you all have a terrific week!

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