Sunday, February 2, 2014

Transfer 9 - Week 3

Know how we have been going up recently to Daxi (city up on the hill)? Well I guess it paid off! Last Friday at a Training Meeting our President split our area and made my companion and I the "Daxi Elders" and it is now our official area. We will also be moving into a new apartment within in a week. 

Luckily we've been able to find some new investigators and I guess the President was thinking the same thing as us in that Daxi needs some attention! We're pretty excited to open up a new area and just get things going where missionaries haven't been in a long time. Sorry this email will be short but we are in Taipei and don't have much time to email this week because it takes such a long time to travel back to Bade. We woke up at 4:30 this morning in order to get to the temple this morning on time! Really excited for this new week and new area! Love you all! 

Will reply to emails next Monday

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