Hello everyone again!
This past week hasn't been too shabby at all. Because of this last weekend being a holiday, where everyone goes back home to visit ancestors graves, all of our investigators were gone. It's called saomu, don't think there's a translation for it either cause we don't have this holiday but anyway everyone was gone. Literally every investigator. So that meant a whole lot of knocking doors! It also rained I think everyday this past week so it wasn't the best combination but it was good! We were able to teach a bunch of lessons in doorways and met one lady in particular who was awesome.So prepared.
Every question we asked her she just went off about things that totally related to the Gospel. We found out that her husband passed away recently and though that's rather sad, we are so so so excited to teach her about the Plan of Salvation! We hope to meet with her this week! So the past few days have definitely been pretty tough. Riding bikes all day in the hard rain, actually fairly cold, and getting rejected by most everyone. BUT meeting one special lady made all those hours worth it! So sorry there isn't much news on any investigators because we didn't actually get to meet any of them... What else did we do?
Oh so every Wednesday night we teach English, well I teach English because Elder K is out in the hall at the front desk taking care of newcomers. So there is one lady in particular in my class that causes some trouble, we'll call her Julie. She has a desk and everyone else doesn't because she will get very upset if she doesn't have one. And she is rather hard to work with when she's upset. Her English is actually pretty good though I wish it wasn't because I think she gets some secret thrill from going on tangents. At the end of every English lesson, after the first hour of class, we then have a 30 minute spiritual lesson to finish up. So as I was talking about family, love and great stuff she started talking about orphanages, parents abusing children and then decided to throw gangsters in as well. Needless to say, it was very hard to keep control of the situation because throughout all of class she'll just start talking very loud about completely off topic things and if I tell her that I can't answer her every question and that she needs to let other people talk, she'll get really upset. So it is a rather difficult situation, because trust me, she's a bit scary when she doesn't get when she wants. And kicking her out in the past hasn't done anything so we'll see how it goes this week.
A lot of stuff happens in missionary work! But I'm learning how to work with all different kinds of people so it's good. Well basically this past week was riding bikes in the rain (funny story on that included with the pictures), knocking and contacting also in the rain and a crazy English class.
Well I love you all! Stay classy.
Elder Hagedorn
Last P-day! Lunch with the district and a nice little burger joint "Feed Me" is it's name. Love it.
LOVE me some Taiwanese bakeries. Eat at one pretty much about every day. Love bread and love Taiwan. Perfect combo.
Went bowling last P-day after Feed Me! I'm Asian.

So the other night as we were knocking doors a certain "Good Samaritan" had compassion on us, or maybe it was pity and gave us an old umbrella because it was pouring outside and we were soaked. So as were riding back home, I, being in a very strange and dorky mood, was holding the umbrella while I was riding and propped it on my shoulder as a soldier would hold a gun. I started to swing/shrug my shoulders back and forth as if I was marching and was really exaggerating the motions. I was having fun. But, because I was very very exaggerated in my motions, and was riding with no hands, I made my bike swerve and I lost control and slammed into the side of a parked car... Ha ya. It knocked my back brakes off but other than that I was totally fine and the car had no scratches so we carried on. Riding in the rain, wearing my helmet, holding an umbrella, for some reason I just really felt like a soldier and so I continued to act like one "marching" on my bike and this time, holding the umbrella with both hands and swinging from the left to the right across my lap, how I imagine a soldier might do. Again I was very exaggerated with my motions and so my bike was kind of swerving left and right, this, coupled with the already slick roads from the rain, was destined for destruction. As my "marching" preceded to become more and more exaggerated, violent, I might even say, I lost control again though this time, having prior experience I was able to grab my handlebars and brake in time. But, because my back brakes had been knocked out earlier, only my front brakes worked and braking really hard on these caused me to do a front wheelie sort of thing. And so out of reaction I put my feet down and because of all the momentum I had, I didn't actually stop but kind of ran with my bike while it was only on its front wheel, if you can imagine that. So as I was running, out of control, with my bike on its front wheel, trying to slow down, I was headed towards the side of the road by this time and saw on the side of the road a cement trench type of thing. Basically, a huge gutter. I was heading straight for it and envisioned for a split second my head hitting the cement corner of the trench and tragically dying. This whole scene played out in my head as I was heading towards it. It really was slow-mo. So seeing this sharp corner of the trench I somehow leapt over it, letting go of my bike, the front handlebars and front wheel were able to go through my legs and I landed safely on the other side of the trench while the sound of my bike crashing to me, sounded like a huge explosion like in one of those movies where as they're walking away the explosion goes off in the background. It was crazy, basically.And I don't know how I walked away with no injuries, not even a bruise. And I even stayed on my feet the whole time! It was pretty whack. Hopefully that narration made sense. But I'm fine and I'm never doing dorky things on my bike in the rain again, though it was pretty fun... :)

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