Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Week 7

Merry Christmas everyone! 

I hope Christmas has gone well so far, mine definitely has. Today is also my preparation day so in order to get my laundry done around all the Christmas activities the MTC has for us, I had to wake up very early to get it done. So I opened my presents first thing, I'm not very patient... Thank you everyone for your gifts! They made me very happy and I've already used them a bit. 

Later today my district and I are singing at our Christmas devotional "God Rest You Merry Gentleman" and hopefully we'll sing well and blow everyone out of the water. Also earlier today we were able to hear Elder Russell M. Nelson speak and that was awesome! He gave a great talk about the spirit of Christmas and how we carry the greatest gift of all: The message of the Gospel. I'm very excited to go to Taiwan and share it with the people there. Man it's going to be awesome. 

I thought Christmas here was going to be a bit dull but it's actually been pretty fun! I still have a long day of activities ahead, but so far it's been great! Though I do miss you all and wish I could be with you during this special time celebrating our Savior. The greatest truth about Christmas is that the greatest gift has already been given. I love Christmas. Also, I got a tape recorder from Caroline with a little message so that was nice. I had to listen to it in a bathroom stall away from my district because they were harassing me and really wanted to hear it haha. It was kind of funny. It's been nice to have a day off but honestly I'm excited for tomorrow to start again so I can get back to work. It feels weird to not really be doing anything... But it is nice. 

I miss you all very much and know that my Christmas has been awesome and it still is awesome. I hope you all enjoy yours as well and to remember why we really celebrate. Mosiah 3:8.
I love you all, 

Love Elder Hagedorn

Picture Time:

My crazy district posing in our bathroom... :)

Elder Kunz is fascinated by the mtc jell-o

Me and my trusty companion Elder Cheung on Christmas Eve

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