Sunday, August 3, 2014

Transfer 13 - Week 4

The missionary work has started to pick up here! We finally got a real investigator to church! That is burdensome business in Linkou, I'll have you know. We also met a couple others last week whom's first words were basically I would like to get baptized because I believe in Christ. Those moments always allow an opportunity for one to marvel at the power of the Spirit and of Christ, and of God. It's hardly anything us missionaries do, in fact, because in both cases, both of these men contacted us on the street themselves. It is humbling, to go about for God and his purposes and to see these miracles displayed, simply because these people allowed the Spirit to touch their hearts. 

The first is Wang Jun Kai, I think I mentioned him in another email, a couple weeks back. The second is Hong Zheng Hua and we just ran into him last week. They both say they want to be baptized and both have dates for  August 9th. We're going to try and get them there! This transfer has gone by incredibly fast! We're on the 5th week already but I feel these 2 investigators are the start of many more good things to come. It is my hope that Elder Clark and I will be able to get another transfer together but we'll see how things go! Sorry, I don't have any pictures again this week... It's hard to take pictures! Love you all!! 


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