Friday, January 10, 2014

Transfer 8 - Week 4

This email is going to be short. Merry Christmas! 

This year of Christmas, what shall we give? A few days ago we went caroling with some members of the ward and it was great! In the middle of one of our songs, a girl in the choir threw up all over the floor and the rest of us in the choir were a bit confused as to if we should continue to sing or not. We kept singing. My companion and I had a good laugh about it afterwards returning home. 

Luckily the lady who threw up is one of those loud, rambunctious types so she wasn't embarrassed or anything. All the missionaries went to Taipei yesterday for a big conference where we got some training, had a wonderful Christmas lunch and then had a talent show! It's been a memorable Christmas. Today my companion and I are probably just staying home and might go watch 17 Miracles at the church. It's going to be wonderful. Well I love you all. 

Merry Christmas :)

Monster grasshopper!!! That's my foot and my gorgeous rain pants that I wear. 

Part of our area in another city called Da Xi. A new rule in the mission is we have to wear those reflective band things while riding... They're lovely. 

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