Sunday, December 15, 2013

Transfer 8 - Week 2

This week was pretty... "the usual". 

We found a new investigator who's really cool though. His name is Allen and he lives in YingGe. He works selling jewelry and is easy on the eyes so he probably does really well selling jewelry haha. We met with him at a little sushi store and talked to him about the Bible over some super tasty and super cheap sushi. He brought along with him his Bible and he had highlighted Hebrews 11:6 so we talked about that and how important it is to develop a relationship with God. It was a really good lesson and we're pretty excited about him! 

There is another companionship that live with us and one of them has been sick the past 2 weeks about, so this next week we're going to switch off babysitting him so his companion can get outside. Should be fun. We have an investigator who will be getting baptized on Christmas so that should be awesome! His dad is a less active and his whole family just started coming back to church! It's amazing! We're very happy about them and excited the son will be getting baptized on Christmas. 

Looking forward to the next week! We have a couple of missionary conference meetings so it should be fun! 

Elder Hagedorn

Yep. Biking down a windy road and both sides look like this

Knocking some doors down an alleyway. 

will learn how to play by the end of my mission! Thanks Mom! It works really well! 


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