Sunday, October 20, 2013

Transfer 7 - Week 1

A pretty good week to start off the new transfer! For P-Day we went to a place where they have this ski lift type of thing and you ride it over a few little mountains and the scenery ain't too bad. I'll send a couple pictures. One of the exciting things is one of our investigators is getting baptized next week! His name is Lin Hong Kun and he's a really good guy. Was going to get baptized last month but wasn't quite ready then so now he's all good and getting baptized! Pretty happy for him! 

Lyndon's parents are still not quite willing to let him get baptized so we're continuing to see him in hope of his parents allowing him. We have another new investigator, Henry, he's really cool and we see him about twice a week. His baptismal date is November 3rd so we think he should be able to hit that date and we're pretty excited for him. I really do apologize for a lack of  any picture, especially of investigators... I

 will do better this coming week I promise! Well I love you all and hope Fall is treating you well! 

Elder Hagedorn

me an Adventure Time cup! My favorite!

All of us at the Gondola!

Colt and I! I've kind of got a bit of a double chin...

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