Sunday, October 20, 2013

Transfer 6 - Week 6

Last week of the transfer! A cool thing that happened is that an area in our District closed down, North Xinzhuang, so there are no longer Elders there. So that means Elder Leo and I are now over all of Xinzhuang and not just the south so that's some fun stuff. Just a lot of biking! And it also combined us to form a really big district with a neighboring city so we got a new district and new area so it's pretty fun! We've had a few fun P-days recently so I'll also attach some of those pictures. 

Investigators wise, Lyndon is still awesome and still "shuai" (Chinese word meaning handsome, hot, good-looking or downright debonair) as ever but his parents are very traditional in their Buddhist beliefs and do not want him to get baptized. So we hope someday they will allow him to get baptized. Another investigator, Brother Lin, will probably be getting baptized in a couple weeks. He had just been struggling with some of the commandments but now he doesn't have a problem and has been good for a few weeks so in a couple more weeks he'll be ready to be baptized! He's pretty awesome. 

Watched conference this last weekend and it was spectacular! My favorite talk was Christofferson's "The Moral Force of Woman". A pretty good week to end the transfer off and excited to start another transfer! Crazy that Elder Leo and I are halfway through! We definitely have some good times... Got in a water fight the other night in our apartment. Hahaha we definitely have fun. 

Love you all and hope all is well! 

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