Sunday, October 20, 2013

Transfer 7 - Week 1

A pretty good week to start off the new transfer! For P-Day we went to a place where they have this ski lift type of thing and you ride it over a few little mountains and the scenery ain't too bad. I'll send a couple pictures. One of the exciting things is one of our investigators is getting baptized next week! His name is Lin Hong Kun and he's a really good guy. Was going to get baptized last month but wasn't quite ready then so now he's all good and getting baptized! Pretty happy for him! 

Lyndon's parents are still not quite willing to let him get baptized so we're continuing to see him in hope of his parents allowing him. We have another new investigator, Henry, he's really cool and we see him about twice a week. His baptismal date is November 3rd so we think he should be able to hit that date and we're pretty excited for him. I really do apologize for a lack of  any picture, especially of investigators... I

 will do better this coming week I promise! Well I love you all and hope Fall is treating you well! 

Elder Hagedorn

me an Adventure Time cup! My favorite!

All of us at the Gondola!

Colt and I! I've kind of got a bit of a double chin...

Transfer 6 - Week 6

Last week of the transfer! A cool thing that happened is that an area in our District closed down, North Xinzhuang, so there are no longer Elders there. So that means Elder Leo and I are now over all of Xinzhuang and not just the south so that's some fun stuff. Just a lot of biking! And it also combined us to form a really big district with a neighboring city so we got a new district and new area so it's pretty fun! We've had a few fun P-days recently so I'll also attach some of those pictures. 

Investigators wise, Lyndon is still awesome and still "shuai" (Chinese word meaning handsome, hot, good-looking or downright debonair) as ever but his parents are very traditional in their Buddhist beliefs and do not want him to get baptized. So we hope someday they will allow him to get baptized. Another investigator, Brother Lin, will probably be getting baptized in a couple weeks. He had just been struggling with some of the commandments but now he doesn't have a problem and has been good for a few weeks so in a couple more weeks he'll be ready to be baptized! He's pretty awesome. 

Watched conference this last weekend and it was spectacular! My favorite talk was Christofferson's "The Moral Force of Woman". A pretty good week to end the transfer off and excited to start another transfer! Crazy that Elder Leo and I are halfway through! We definitely have some good times... Got in a water fight the other night in our apartment. Hahaha we definitely have fun. 

Love you all and hope all is well! 

Transfer 6 - Week 5

Hello! It was a good week! Highlights of the week are probably that we're going to convert a whole college. Ha no just kidding but we have about 10 investigators and 7 of them are college students! They are all pretty chill too. Lyndon's parents still oppose a tiny bit but we fasted with him this past weekend to try and soften his parents hearts a bit so we're seeing him tomorrow night and will follow up! He's a man-beast. 

I apologize, I keep forgetting to take pictures... A funny thing happened though. At a fireside, a foreign exchange student said the closing prayer and him, not being a member, said it a bit differently. I think he is from Russia or something I'm not sure. Oh and he doesn't speak Chinese so he just said it in English. It went something like this,"Close your eyes people. Glorious God! We, gathered here today, have come here tonight for one joint purpose. To glorify thee and praise thee! Mighty God, we love you. We thank you. We fear you. Forgive us our wicked sins and forget our dark trespasses. Of this we pray in the name of the almighty being, your Son, Jesus Christ, Jehovah. Amen." It was a strange, but yet still oddly eloquent prayer. 

After opening my eyes I didn't really know what to think. And no one else paid any attention to it either because they all spoke Chinese and didn't notice a difference, they were just listening for the "amen". Anyways it was kind of interesting and made me laugh inside just because I probably had a funny expression on. 

It was a very good week and right now it's hard to think of specifics so sorry! Wasn't able to watch conference because we have to wait another week due to the translation. I love you all and hope the conference can remain in your minds throughout it!
Elder Hagedorn