Saturday, August 10, 2013

Transfer 5 - Week 1

First week of the transfer and it was a good one! 

A little bit slower because a lot of appointments fell through but still a good one! Some exciting things happened. First, I got hit by a car and no longer have the use of my left leg. Ha no just kidding! But I did get in a little scooter accident, though the only thing that happened was a little scrape on my elbow and a little rip in my shirt. I'm actually pretty proud of the rip in my shirt, it's my first "seasoned" shirt! I was biking down the road, the usual and then a guy on his scooter came up on my left and then cut across over me hitting my front wheel, spinning it awkwardly, causing me to wreck. I had just gone down a hill too so I had some speed. Somehow, he must not have seen me cause he cut me off pretty good and I was just going straight. And then afterwards he turned left so I don't know why cut across over me from the left to the right, just to go back left. A little weird but whatever the case I'm fine! It was pretty much a miracle that I only had a small scrape. When I crashed I put my hands down to soften the impact and they both hit the ground pretty hard and I thought would at least get scraped up pretty good but somehow they didn't even have a scratch. It was pretty cool. Guess he's looking out for me! Second, Brother Cai got baptized! His wife is a member and it was mainly because of her that he got baptized. She's pregnant and so I'm very happy that he got baptized. They'll start a family with the Gospel in their lives! Third, it was the first full week of the transfer! Another month has gone by and it's crazy how fast time is going by. I was just emailing my man Elder Shumway and he's almost been out for a year! I have too! Pretty insane. Elder Morgan and I have definitely been enjoying one another, Ha though that is an interesting way to say it. We joke around probably too much but we laugh and think we're funny. In companionship study I'll read the Book of Mormon in characters and he'll read it in Pinyin (romanized Chinese) so we like doing that to improve Chinese and to do something together. We also read same chapters in the Scriptures sometimes and then discuss it throughout reading and afterwards. It's good fun! Also, the missionary dress code has changed so we can wear khakis now! I've decided I need to get my hands on a brown tie, khakis, brown shoes and a brown belt. I think I want to fully embrace this new policy and go all out... Hehe. Well I think that's about it! I love you all and hope all is well!
Elder Hagedorn

All that happened! Miracle!

Brother Cai!

Some food we put in the fridge at the church about a month ago that we forgot about... Mold... We were starving we had no choice but to eat it. Hahaha no we chucked it.

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