Monday, June 24, 2013

Transfer 4 - Week 2

Hello good people!

This week has not been too shabby. We were able to meet with Brother Lin, the one that we were able to find last week by talking to the old man first. He has a solid Christian background which has been very nice, so when we taught him about Joseph Smith and the Restoration, he understood it all and only had a few questions here and there. At the end of the lesson he simply asked,"Well, how do I know if it's true?" We then told him by reading the Book of Mormon he could know and he said he would read and pray. That was 2 days ago so we will be seeing him again soon and I'll let you know how it goes next week! He's awesome though. Also this last week Elder Morgan and I have gotten closer and started working better together I'd say.

He continues to chug along in the language and he's starting to get the hang of it! (Chinese. It'll get ya) A new investigator came to English class a few nights ago, Nick, who just eats up everything we tell him. He came to church yesterday and in all of the classes he was very attentive and told us that he likes the atmosphere and the church's way of learning. He also has Christian background and is curious about our church's beliefs. We taught him the Restoration and he was kind of the same as Brother Lin, he just wanted to know how to know it's true! We've had some greate opportunities of teaching amazing people recently and I'm very thankful! 

Sorry this email is shorter than usual but this morning, I'm especially tired quite truthfully. I love you all and hope your summer is going well so far!
Elder Hagedorn

Not quite the World's Best Cup of Coffee. But it will do.

Biking around in some back neighborhoods looking for peeps!

We were cleaning this building for service and then we found this weird thing. Elder Morgan... touching the ground?

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