Sunday, September 28, 2014

Transfer 14 - Week 5

Well this last week was a bit slow, to be honest. Our one really gold investigator, Kristin, turned out to have slight infatuations for yours truly so we gave her to the sister missionaries to be taught but she still seems to have interest in the Gospel so that's good. Still waiting on Zheng family to be done with camping and stuff, another 2 1/2 weeks about. We had a new English class student, Sherry who is really good as well. She was asking us questions about how to pray and God and Christ and stuff after English class last week so she's our new investigator and we're pretty excited about her. She left on the weekend for Moon Festival but she comes back tomorrow so we'll be able to meet with her this week. 
This morning when we left the apartment to go out to run as we usually do, we forgot to bring the keys so when we got back we weren't able to get in. We sat outside for a few minutes wondering what to do. We didn't have a phone to use to call anybody and we rang all the doorbells of the apartment complex to get someone to open the door but nobody answered. They were all gone for Moon Festival. We sat down on the steps and thought. I started to pray but didn't want to ask right away because I figured being thankful first is best. I had said a few lines of being grateful when we heard the door behind us open! I guess someone opened the door! We went up to our door, which was also locked, but we found this pipe type of thing that we were able to use to slide behind the first metal barred door, the locked one, and latch it on to the sliding lock thing and open it! Definitely said a prayer of thankfulness afterwards too! Pray and it shall be opened!
So our investigator pool has kind of gone down again, besides a couple people, but our plan this week is simple: Pray! Pray! And Pray more! 

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