Elder Chalmers would later call it a tender mercy. The first lady's remarks remind me of something the prophet Joseph Smith once said,"The difference between us and the other Christian churches is that they believe we are going to Hell and we believe that they can be saved." Something like that anyway. I think the world just needs a bit more understanding, tolerance and love. I think that lady will be ok.
We found 1 new investigator! Not an incredibly impressive number but he's awesome! We invited him to baptism and he very sincerely said he is willing to be baptized. His name is Brother Guan and he says he's been wondering about the existence of a God. We told him he can know through prayer, as well as following God's Son, Jesus Christ. He was actually a referral. We have been working very hard, talking to many people, wasting no time, yet we didn't actually have any success through our own efforts. Towards the end of the week, we were praying very hard, and got a referral through our phone of this Brother Guan. We feel very blessed to be able to have an opportunity to teach someone as him.
There was a typhoon last night but it wasn't too severe so we continued to knock some doors. As we would knock on people's doors, they would all say to us,"Sorry! There's a typhoon!" I would be tempted to say,"We're the ones standing outside! We know!" But it was still a good time. Looking forward to this coming week! Love you all!